- Έργο (αυτοτελές έργο)
- 13. Ιστορία της Αμερικανικής Rock μουσικής
- Πληροφοριακές πηγές ψηφιακής βιβλιοθήκης
- 27 Ιανουαρίου 2012
- Αγγλικά
- Schloss, Joseph Glenn (1972-) | Starr, Larry (1946-) | Waterman, Christopher Alan (1954-)
- Ροκ μουσική
- 71676763 ⟶ Schloss,Joseph Glenn
Music and Identity
⟶ LC
What Is Rock?
A Note on the Terms "Rock 'n' Roll" and "Rock"
⟶ LC
* Balances the history of the music business and the impact of social and cultural movements on the story of rock
* Enhanced coverage of contemporary rock music, including the impact of rap
* Integrates lively pedagogy:
--- Detailed listening guides highlighting the significant elements of more than forty key recordings
--- More than 100 photos, many in full color
--- Boldfaced key terms and a glossary
* Robust support package:
--- Instructor Resource CD containing a computerized Test Bank (978-0-19-975837-1)
--- Companion Website (www.oup.com/us/schloss)