Singer (Αγγλική)
- Έννοια
- Παπαδόπουλος, Λάκης (1948-)
- Αγγελάκας, Γιάννης (1959-)
- Σιδηρόπουλος, Παύλος (1948-1990)
- Παπακωνσταντίνου, Βασίλης (1950-)
- Πουλικάκος, Δημήτρης (1943-)
- Μπίνης, Τάκης
- Παγιουμτζής, Στράτος
- John, Elton
- Timberlake, Justin
- Perry, Katy
- Springsteen, Bruce (1949-)
- Little, Richard (1932-2020)
- Presley, Elvis (1935-1977) (Elvis Aaron)
- Petty, Tom (1950-2017)
- Bon Jovi, Jon (1962-)
- Hendrix, Jimi (1942-1970.)
- Armstrong, Louis (1901–1971)
- Bieber, Justin
- Nelson, Prince
- Swift, Taylor
- Lady Gaga
- Madonna
- Gilmour, David (1946-)
- Sioux, Siouxsie (1957-)
- Osbourne, Ozzy (1948 -)
- Plant, Robert (1948-)
- Spears, Britney
- Jackson, Michael
- Burdon, Eric (1941-)
- Vanian, David (1956 -)
- Lennon, John (1940-1980)
Τραγουδιστής - Identifier: 778
Internal display of the 778 entity interconnections (Node labels correspond to identifiers)